188 research outputs found

    Purification And Characterization Of Phospomolybdate Reductase Produced By Locally Isolated Serratia Marcescens Strain Dr.Y5

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    The threat of heavy metal pollution to public health and wildlife has led to an increased in developing systems that can remove or neutralise its toxic effect in soil, sediments and wastewater. In this work, a local molybdenum reducing bacterium was isolated. This bacterium is Gram negative and identified as Serratia marcescens Strain Dr.Y5 based on Biolog ID system and 16s rRNA molecular phylogenetics studies matched 99.96% to Serratia marcescens. The isolate was originally isolated from the grounds of King Edward VII (2) primary school in Taiping, Perak. The optimum carbon source for Mo-blue production was sucrose at 1.0% concentration and optimally grown at 40 °C. While the optimum concentration for nitrogen source was 0.2(w/v) % and optimum yeast concentration was 0.05(w/v) %. The Mo-blue production were optimum at pH 6.0 with the best ratio of phosphate to molybdate giving optimum reduction was 2.9 mM to 20 mM, respectively. Molybdenum reducing activity of the enzyme extract was assayed at 865 nm using 20 mM 10:4 molybdophosphoric acid and 2 mM NADH at room temperature. Purification of phosphomolybdate reductase was done by using anion exchange on Macro Prep High Q and gel filration on Zorbax GFX-250. The enzyme was assayed using NADH or NADPH as the electron donor and phosphomolybdate as the electron acceptor. The assay was completed in less than 5 minutes and produced an intense blue color with a wavelength maximum at 865 nm. The best electron donor for the enzyme is NADH (12-MP as electon acceptor) with a maximum initial velocity, Vmax of 25.07 nmole molybdenum blue produced/min/mg/protein and a Michaelis constant, Km at 0.44 mM. The best electron acceptor substrate is 10:4 molybdophosphate, with a Km of 3.87 mM and a Vmax of 24.18 nmole molybdenum blue/min (NADH as electron donor at saturated concentrations). The phosphomolybdate reductase activity has an optimum temperature at 30 °C. At 40 °C of incubation for a period of one hour, the residual phosphomolybdate reductase activity remains 80% of the control, indicating that the enzyme is stable below 40 °C. The enzyme was inactivated rapidly at temperatures higher than 54 °C and was inactivated totally at 70 °C within 30 minutes of incubation

    Friction Stir Welding (FSW): The effect of tilting angle

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    Friction Stir Welding (FSW) is solid-state process of combining two materials using frictional heat generated by rotating tool travel along the weld line. Development of FSW suffers implementation challenges due to expensive actual FSW machine available commercially. As alternative, a typical 3-axis conventional CNC milling machine offers comparable capability to be utilized for this technology as well. However, few modifications on machine parts need to be executed first before it is fully compatible to serve FSW purposes. The first objective of this study is to design and fabricate an adjustable-angle fixture to assist CNC milling machine on accommodating the variety tilting angle during FSW process. Upon completing the concept selection, designing, and fabrication phase, the final fixture prototype will be used to experimentally execute the second objective of this project, which is to determine the effect of varying the tilting angle during the FSW process. The resulted weld joint will be qualitatively analyzed in term of any presence of weld defects. The visual inspection on the weld joint shows that increasing the tilting angle at optimum range of 3.50 to 5o can reduce the possibility of having tunnel defects. This can be justified by the inclined orientation of welding tool’s axis of rotation which can randomize the flow of plasticized material during mixing and stirring process. However, further increment of tilting angle more than 5o is not favourable as it will only encourage severe flash formation and reduce weld maximum joint efficiency

    Tribological characteristics of coatings on aluminium and its alloys

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    This thesis was submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy and awarded by Brunel University.Hard anodising on aluminium and its alloys has been widely practised for many years in order to improve the resistance of the otherwise poor wear characteristics of aluminium. In recent years there has been an increasing interest in other treatments and coatings, on both aluminium and other base metals. The aim of this investigation is to explain the tribological performance and wear mechanism(s) of an uncoated aluminium alloy, four anodic coated alloys, and also an electroless nickel alloy. All of the coatings are produced on three different aluminium alloys. The thickness of the anodic films is 30-35 micron, as this thickness falls within the range commonly used by industry. In an endeavour to explain the role of coating thickness on wear life, electroless nickel alloy has been produced in a range of thicknesses of 10, 20 and 30 micron. To evaluate abrasive and adhesive wear, the samples were rubbed against a single point diamond and steel ball, respectively, in a reciprocating movement at room temperature and 65-75% relative humidity, under a wide range of load and sliding distance. Some tests continued to run until a breakdown of the coatings occurred, whilst other tests were interrupted at intermediate stages. This enabled the initiation and propagation of failure mechanisms to be studied. Abrasive wear was performed under dry conditions, whereas, adhesive wear was evaluated under both dry and lubricated conditions. Wear of these coatings was proportional to the applied load and sliding distance, but there was no direct relationship between wear and hardness. The tribological performance of these coatings appears to be dictated by a) the composition of the substrate, b) the chemical and physical nature of the coatings and c) the test conditions. Under boundary lubricated conditions there was a considerable increase in the wear life of the coatings. A three dimensional surface texture is superior to a machined surface, in controlling contact conditions. There is an approximate linear relationship between coating thickness and wear life for electroless nickel alloys. These coatings predominantly fail by adhesion, plastic deformation and brittle fracture. A microscopic model for fracture of brittle materials, under both static and dynamic conditions for abrasive and adhesive wear correlates very well with the behaviour of these coatings. Analytical interpretation of adhesive wear was made by separately calculating the coefficient of wear "K" of the counterbodies. This information enables an improved understanding of the wear test itself to be added to the model of the wear mechanisms involved

    Pemikiran Keislaman Tokoh Sosialis

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji pemikiran keislaman dua tokoh besar dari negara yang mayoritas penduduknya beragama Islam. Kedua tokoh fenomnal tersebut, Soekarno dan Gamal Abdul Nasser memiliki beberapa persamaan yang menarik untuk dikaji di antaranya sama-sama pernah menjadi presiden dan berpengaruh dalam dunia perpolitikan Internasional. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuanlitatif dengan kajian pustaka. Temuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengungkap bahwa kedua tokoh tersebut sangat erat intelektualitasnya terkaiat dengan ajaran-ajaran Islam. Pemikiran keislaman dari kelompok Islam sosialis dapat direpresentasikan dari pemikiran tokoh-tokoh sosialis Muslim yang mengintegrasikan pemikiran sosialisme modern dengan nilai-nilai keagamaan Islam. Contoh representasi pemikiran keislaman sosialis dapat dilihat dari Soekarno dan Gamal Abdul Nasser.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji pemikiran keislaman dua tokoh besar dari negara yang mayoritas penduduknya beragama Islam. Kedua tokoh fenomnal tersebut, Soekarno dan Gamal Abdul Nasser memiliki beberapa persamaan yang menarik untuk dikaji di antaranya sama-sama pernah menjadi presiden dan berpengaruh dalam dunia perpolitikan Internasional. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuanlitatif dengan kajian pustaka. Temuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengungkap bahwa kedua tokoh tersebut sangat erat intelektualitasnya terkaiat dengan ajaran-ajaran Islam. Pemikiran keislaman dari kelompok Islam sosialis dapat direpresentasikan dari pemikiran tokoh-tokoh sosialis Muslim yang mengintegrasikan pemikiran sosialisme modern dengan nilai-nilai keagamaan Islam. Contoh representasi pemikiran keislaman sosialis dapat dilihat dari Soekarno dan Gamal Abdul Nasser


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    Dalam mempelajari sejarah perkembangan lembaga-lembaga pendidikan di Indonesia, dikenal bahwa surau di daerah Sumatera Barat, Tengah dan Selatan merupakan suatu bentuk lembaga Islam pertama di Indonesia yang lahir dari budaya asli bangsa Indonesia sendiri. Dilihat dari sejarahnya, sebenarnya surau merupakan bangunan peninggalan kebudayaan masyarakat Minangkabau sebelum datangnya Islam. Setelah masuknya agama Islam, surau pun mengalami proses Islamisasi. Fungsinya yang semula sebagai tempat penginapan anak-anak bujang kini diperluas lagi menjadi tempat pengajaran dan pengembangan ajaran Islam, seperti menjadi tempat shalat (mushalla), tempat upacara--upacara keagamaan dan lain sebagainya. Dari surau inilah kemudian gerakan modernisasi Islam di Minangkabau tumbuh dan berkembang yang pada akhirnya menjadi lembaga pendidikan Islam modern, bahkan menjadi prototype lembaga pendidikan Islam modern di Nusantara yang dijadikan referensi lembaga-lembaga pesantren modern di kemudian hari. Tulisan ini mencoba menelusuri sejarah proses transformasi surau dari lembaga tradisional menjadi lembaga pendidikan Islam modern

    Karakteristik Pendidik Menurut Al-Qur’an

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    The purpose of this paper to reveal the educator as an example for learners should have the attitude and personality intact. Personality competence is also related to the appearance of the educator (characteristics of physical) as an individual who has discipline, good looks, responsibility, commitment, and role model. Modeling and habituation of educators in educational institutions is the most effective method to grow akhlakul karimah on learners. Exemplary in education is very important and can affect the educational process, especially in shaping the moral aspect, spiritual, and social ethos of learners. Exemplary is the best method of education and the most memorable. Keywords: Educator, Educator Characteristics, Exemplary Abstrak Tujuan tulisan ini untuk mengungkap pendidik sebagai teladan bagi peserta didiknya harus memiliki sikap dan kepribadian utuh. Kompetensi kepribadian terkait pula dengan penampilan sosok pendidik (karakteristik jasmaniyah) sebagai individu yang mempunyai kedisiplinan, berpenampilan baik, bertanggungjawab, memiliki komitmen, dan menjadi teladan. Keteladanan dan pembiasaan pendidik di lembaga pendidikan adalah metode yang paling efektif untuk menumbuhkan akhlakul karimah pada peserta didik. Keteladanan dalam pendidikan sangat penting dan bisa berpengaruh terhadap proses pendidikan, khususnya dalam membentuk aspek moral, spiritual, dan etos sosial peserta didik. Keteladanan merupakan metode pendidikan yang terbaik dan yang paling membekas. Kata Kunci : Pendidik, Karakteristik Pendidik, KeteladananTujuan tulisan ini untuk mengungkap pendidik sebagai teladan bagi peserta didiknya harus memiliki sikap dan kepribadian utuh. Kompetensi kepribadian terkait pula dengan penampilan sosok pendidik (karakteristik jasmaniyah) sebagai individu yang mempunyai kedisiplinan, berpenampilan baik, bertanggungjawab, memiliki komitmen, dan menjadi teladan. Keteladanan dan pembiasaan pendidik di lembaga pendidikan adalah metode yang paling efektif untuk menumbuhkan akhlakul karimah pada peserta didik. Keteladanan dalam pendidikan sangat penting dan bisa berpengaruh terhadap proses pendidikan, khususnya dalam membentuk aspek moral, spiritual, dan etos sosial peserta didik. Keteladanan merupakan metode pendidikan yang terbaik dan yang paling membekas. &nbsp

    Peta Pemikiran Politik Islam Modern

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    The modern political thought in the Islamic world has developed since the Islamic countries came into contact with the Western world, especially when the Islamic world fell into the Western imperialism. There are three factors influencing the contemporary Islamic thought: the decline of the Islamic world caused by the internal factors; the Western harassment toward the integration of political regional power in the Islamic world; and the Western supremacy in science, technology, and organization.Three factors undoubtly influence the orientation of the Islamic political thinkers in facing the new era. However, it is also these three factors that cause the diversity of the Islamic political thoughts with modern perception. How have the Islamic political thinkers behaved to the phenomena? This paper is trying to find out the leading thread of the political patterns that have developed since that era. Keyword : Modern political, Islamic world, western worl


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    Slavery is a state in which a person possesses or takes control over someone else. Some historians state that it began to emerge ensuing agricultural expansion, approximately ten thousand years ago. It grew along the development of trade and industry. In fact, the increase of trade and industry has stimulated the demand for labor to multiply the products for export. Therefore, more labors both local and migrant areneeded. Migrant labor is one migrating from one’s birth place to another location and then works and stays in a new place in a certain period of time. Hence, the difference in culture and perception between the labor and the employer may lead to intricating problems. This is what has happened to Indonesian labor who works in another country. This paper attempts to examine the core problem between labor issue and migrant labor, specifically in the Middle East.Keywords: slavery, migrant workers, migrant worker

    Nilai-Nilai Spritualitas dan Harmoni Beragama dalam Wirid Harian Kitab Al-Aurad Al-Nurâniyyah

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    This research is based on religious issues that are stuck to the practice of normative zhahiriyah. Whereas the religious perfection lies precisely in the balance in practicing the religious zhahiriyah and bathiniyyah. In the religious teachings that bathiniyyah can actually grow and develop religious spirituality. Wirid al-Aurâd al-Nûrâniyyah taught by tariqat al-Syâdziliyyah containing readings is assumed to foster spiriualitas, harmony of religious behavior, not monolithic and tolerant. For this reason this study aims to describe and analyze the religious arguments about wirid. Then describe and analyze the texts, meanings, and interpretations of wirid al-Aurâd al-Nûrâniyyah. Finally, analyze the relevance of such wirid practice in developing religious spirituality. This research uses qualitative research approach with descriptive research method and literature study. Descriptive method and literature study is used to describe the study of tasawuf and wirid in religious perspective. Then describes the data concerning wirid al-Aurâd al-Nûrâniyyah, translating, and interpreting the meaning of wirid readings, and analyzing their relevance to the development of religious spirituality. The results showed that the daily wird of al-Aurâd al-Nûrâniyyah readings such as al-Fâtiḥah, al-Waqi'ah, shalawat, tahlil, tahmid, etc. as tariqat al-Syâdziliyyah founder contained the meaning meaningful and relevant in developing religious spirituality. Wirid also as one effort in shaping the character of Islamic spirituality (Sufism). The wird that includes some form of remembrance and prayer contains an invitation to create harmony of life, pray for salvation and prosperity for all humanity regardless of religion and religious school

    Analisis Wacana Kritis Berita ‘Tentang Social Distance, Cara Pemerintah Cegah Penyebaran Virus Corona’ Di Detik.com

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    Mass media has an important role to construct the community about the discourse that is built or events that occur. Event packed into discourse through production so well that people believe in the news. mass media also has a role to channel information and public education. This is caused by journalists producing texts, discourses that have been disconnected by the mass media have a high value of trust in the perspective of the community. Whereas the concept of truth presented by the media is not true truth, but rather something that society considers as truth or the mass media that determines truth. In this study, researchers sought to uncover how a discourse was produced so as to construct social patterns of society, and see how the ideology contained in the discourse, as well as how the results of the context of the news discourse produced to the public. This study analyzes 1 news and 8 other news as material for analysis of social distance as a step to prevent the spread of the corona virus with a qualitative approach and the Teun A. Van Dijk analysis method. In the process of analysis of this study revealed that the production of text in the coverage of "About Social Distance, How the Government Prevents the Spread of Corona Virus" on detik.com has topics that tend to support the term social distance. The plot and style of the news are made as supporttopics. Ideology contained in the production of the text is a government tool to construct the community in the effort to handle and pandemic birus corona and as a public servant to provide education in dealing with the corona virus. Then there are impacts that occur related to the context of social reporting. Impacts that occur such as the pros and cons of social distance, economic decline, social behavior is greatly changed, changes in the teaching and learning system in education, disruption of religious ritual activities. Keywords: Social Distance, Text Production, Social Cognition, Social Context, Critical Discourse Analysi